Wed.Oct 26, 2022

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GM Secures Enough Renewable Energy to Power US Facilities by 2025

Environment + Energy Leader

The automaker will achieve its goal 25 years ahead of its original target. The post GM Secures Enough Renewable Energy to Power US Facilities by 2025 appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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2022 Election: Water Regulation and Spending Punctuate State and Local Ballots

Circle of Blue

Groundwater regulation, legal rights to clean water, and spending measures highlight this election cycle. A surge of groundwater pumping by thirsty livestock, pecan, and pistachio farms has caused irrigation and homeowner wells to go dry in Cochise County, in southeast Arizona. Photo © Keith Schneider / Circle of Blue. By Brett Walton, Circle of Blue – October 26, 2022.


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Ahead of COP27, Executives Positive on Sustainability Initiatives Despite Obstacles

Environment + Energy Leader

A survey of business executives by Deloitte shows confidence that measures at the climate conference can lead to success, while many are scaling down their own efforts. The post Ahead of COP27, Executives Positive on Sustainability Initiatives Despite Obstacles appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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How’s EPA Doing on Air Pollution Science?

Union of Concerned Scientists

Recently, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a report that will likely have major effects on how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects people from dangerous air pollutants. At issue is the EPA’s process of compiling what the agency calls an “integrated science assessment.” The focus might sound esoteric, but the stakes could not be higher, especially given the fact that a large and growing body of evidence links air pollution to death and illness

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Minnesota’s First Renewable Natural Gas Facility Now Operational

Environment + Energy Leader

Today marks the commencement of commercial operations at the first landfill renewable natural gas (RNG) production facility in Minnesota. The post Minnesota’s First Renewable Natural Gas Facility Now Operational appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Dr. Shaina Sadai Talks About COP27, Climate Justice, Sea Level Rise, and Corporate Accountability

Union of Concerned Scientists

Next month, Egypt will host the United Nations’ 27th annual international climate negotiations, known as the Conference of the Parties, or in this case COP27. While there is enormous potential for UN climate negotiations to transform climate action, meaningful progress has been delayed in part by the fossil fuel industry’s deceptive tactics. Last year’s COP was notable as the first to explicitly mention “fossil fuels” in the final decision document.

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The Paradox of Persistence: Q&A with Global Climate Advocate and Author Julian Aguon

Union of Concerned Scientists

Earlier this fall, I had the honor of facilitating a conversation with author, Indigenous climate activist, and international human rights lawyer Julian Aguon at a stop on his recent book tour, promoting the release of his latest work, No Country for 8-Spot Butterflies. Our work at UCS and Julian’s life’s work overlap, intersect, and complement each other in many ways.

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Centrica Business Solutions Partners with UNOH to Improve Energy Efficiency

Environment + Energy Leader

Centrica Business Solutions has partnered with the University of Northwestern Ohio (UNOH) to start a $3.1 million project across 28 buildings on the school's campus in Lima, OH. The post Centrica Business Solutions Partners with UNOH to Improve Energy Efficiency appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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California’s Secret Weapon: The Scoping Plan

Legal Planet

The scoping process has been key to California’s success in cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The process requires the government to assess past progress, project future emissions, and come up with a strategy to meet its climate goals. In contrast, in many states – and at the federal level – there’s no real mechanism for a comprehensive look at climate policy.

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Ahead of COP27, Executives Positive on Sustainability Initiatives Despite Obstacles

Environment + Energy Leader

A survey of business executives by Deloitte shows confidence that measures at the climate conference can lead to success, while many are scaling down their own efforts. The post Ahead of COP27, Executives Positive on Sustainability Initiatives Despite Obstacles appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Implementing D.E.J.I. Strategies in Energy, Environment, and Transportation

Speaker: Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (DEJI) policies, programs, and initiatives are critically important as we move forward with public and private sector climate and sustainability goals and plans. Underserved and socially, economically, and racially disadvantaged communities bear the burden of pollution, higher energy costs, limited resources, and limited investments in the clean energy and transportation sectors.

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Greater Cloud Cover May Be Narrowing Gap Between Daily High and Low Temperatures

Yale E360

Greater daytime cloud cover may be shrinking the difference between daily high and low temperatures in parts of the world, new research suggests. Read more on E360 ?.

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EPA Proposes Rejection of San Joaquin Valley Air District PM2.5 SIP Submittal

Legal Planet

Earlier this month, EPA announced its proposed disapproval of San Joaquin Valley’s State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittal to address fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. Among EPA’s reasons for proposing disapproval of the plan: The strategies to reduce building heating emissions—from things like water heaters and space heaters—were inadequate because they failed to consider zero-emission standards.

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The Stream, October 26, 2022: Multiple Cholera Outbreaks Overwhelm Global Vaccine Supply

Circle of Blue

Women transplant rice in a field near Meerut, India, that is irrigated with industrial wastewater pumped from a nearby canal. Photo © J. Carl Ganter / Circle of Blue. YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN. Multiple cholera outbreaks in countries like Haiti, Malawi, and Syria are challenging global health agencies. The Mississippi River drops to a record low at Memphis, Tennessee.

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Market Value at the Well Trumps Free-Use Clause

Energy & the Law

Co-author, Gray Reed partner Jim Reed. The common thread throughout the myriad oil and gas royalty cases decided recently by Texas courts could be “harmony”, the reading of different, seemingly conflicting, contract provisions so as to give meaning to all. In Enervest Operating, LLC v. Mayfield and Ingham the Fourth Court of Appeal harmonized a market-value-at-the-mouth-of-the-well royalty clause and a free-use provision to conclude that the royalty owners must bear their share of fuel gas, whic

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Shaping a Resilient Future: Climate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Speaker: Laurie Schoeman Director, Climate & Sustainability, Capital

As households and communities across the nation face challenges such as hurricanes, wildfires, drought, extreme heat and cold, and thawing permafrost and flooding, we are increasingly searching for ways to mitigate and prevent climate impacts. During this event, national climate and housing expert Laurie Schoeman will discuss topics including: The two paths for climate action: decarbonization and adaptation.

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Senate Appropriations Set To Consider $106.6 Million In Annual ‘Forever’ Taxpayer Subsidies For Use Of Natural Gas, Hydrogen

PA Environment Daily

The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet today and could consider an amendment to House Bill 1059 that would provide $106.6 million in annual taxpayer subsidies to manufacturing and other businesses that use natural gas and hydrogen in their operations forever into the future. Called the Pennsylvania Economic Development For A Growing Economy (PA Edge) Tax Credits, the amendment would provide-- -- $50 million annually for using natural gas or “clean hydrogen” as defined by the U.

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How to make a sweet potato even sweeter: freeze it before baking

New Scientist

Studies show it is always best to bake your sweet potatoes, rather than boil or microwave them, and there is another trick to take the tubers to the next level of deliciousness, says Sam Wong

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Ag and Food Law Daily Update: October 26, 2022

National Law Center

A comprehensive summary of today’s judicial, legislative, and regulatory developments in agriculture and food. Email important additions HERE. . The post Ag and Food Law Daily Update: October 26, 2022 appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

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Astronomers have unveiled the world’s largest digital camera

New Scientist

The world’s largest digital camera for astronomy is taller than a car, has as many pixels as 266 iPhones and will, over the course of the next 10 years, help researchers study billions of galaxies

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Sustainability at Retail

Sustainability impacts every nation, company, and person around the world. So much so that, in 2015, the United Nations (UN) issued a call for action by all countries to work toward sustainable development. In response to this and as part of a global Sustainability at Retail initiative, Shop! worked collaboratively with its global affiliates to address these critical issues in this white paper.

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PA Audubon Council Recognizes DCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn With First Walt Pomeroy Conservation Award

PA Environment Daily

On October 26, the Pennsylvania Audubon Council presented its Walt Pomeroy Conservation Award to Cindy Adams Dunn, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The award, a framed limited edition print of a Ruffed Grouse by the acclaimed Pennsylvania artist, Ned Smith , was given in a simple ceremony in the Rachel Carson Office Building.

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Appetite-suppressing probiotic helps overweight people lose weight

New Scientist

Consuming the bacterium Hafnia alvei twice a day for three months led to better weight loss success among a group of overweight people following a calorie-control diet

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Don’t buy the hype: LNG is bad for the climate

Enviromental Defense

There is lots of talk about fossil gas these days in Canada, and it can be a lot to keep up with. So what’s going on? And what does it mean for the climate? The war in Ukraine and potential fuel shortages in countries like Germany this winter have brought the issue of gas into the spotlight. The industry is saying the world needs more fossil gas (also known as “natural gas”), exported overseas in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

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Fossil shows what lizards' ancestors looked like 167 million years ago

New Scientist

A reptile named Bellairsia gracilis has been identified as an early member of the squamate group that lived around 167 million years ago

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Wednesday PA Environment & Energy NewsClips 10.26.22

PA Environment Daily

Are You Telling Your Story? Warning! Last Voting Day This Session! Hold Onto Your Butts! (And Tax Money!) Senate returns to session October 26, November 15 [Adjourn for year] -- Committee Schedule House returns to session October 26, November 14, 15, 16 [Adjourn for year] -- Committee Schedule TODAY’s Calendar Of Events TODAY Off The Floor: Senate Appropriations Committee meets to consider an amendment to House Bill 1059 that would provide $106.6 million in annual taxpayer subsidies to manufactu

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World is on track for 2.5°C of global warming by end of the century

New Scientist

Countries’ climate plans are nowhere near ambitious enough to cut emissions in line with Paris Agreement targets, the UN has warned

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EPA Awards $34.6 Million In Clean School Bus Grants To PA School Districts

PA Environment Daily

On October 26, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean School Bus Program rebate competition awarded nearly $34,610,000 from the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to 11 school districts in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania school districts include-- - - Bradford County: Troy Area School District, Rohrer Enterprises Inc., $2.76 million for seven buses -- Dauphin County : Halifax Area School District, Rohrer Enterprises Inc., $1.97 million for five buses -- Dauphin County: Harrisburg City

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The extraordinary JWST is named for James Webb, whose legacy I deplore

New Scientist

James Webb's legacy was to stand for a status quo where queer Black people like me could never have a home in the NASA community.

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Bees face many challenges – and climate change is ratcheting up the pressure

Environmental News Bits

by Jennie L. Durant, University of California, Davis The extreme weather that has battered much of the U.S. in 2022 doesn’t just affect humans. Heat waves, wildfires, droughts and storms also threaten many wild species – including some that already face other stresses. I’ve been researching bee health for over 10 years, with a focus … Continue reading Bees face many challenges – and climate change is ratcheting up the pressure.

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COP27: How the world is doing on climate targets and what to expect

New Scientist

The war in Ukraine has encouraged a rush to exploit more fossil fuels, but there are still positive signs of climate action ahead of the COP27 climate summit in Egypt

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Statement from Julia Levin on today’s UN climate report ahead of COP27

Enviromental Defense

Ottawa, Ont. | Traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg People – Today, ahead of international climate negotiations, COP27, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change released new analysis looking at the world’s national climate plans. Though countries have made incremental progress, we’re still on track for 2.5°C of heating, which would be catastrophic for people and ecosystems around the world.

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16 'vital signs' of the planet's health are now at record extremes

New Scientist

An assessment of 35 key factors in Earth’s climate system, such as greenhouse gas concentrations and ocean temperatures, finds that many are “flashing red”

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Renewables are cutting back the EU’s gas demand

A Greener Life

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Geniusksy. By Anders Lorenzen. A new report has found that continued investments in renewables have helped the European Union (EU), to cut its reliance on gas imports drastically. Since the start of the war in Ukraine on 24 th February this year, the EU has avoided buying €99 billion of gas imports compared to the same period last year.

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Fossil fuel demand expected to peak within 15 years

New Scientist

The International Energy Agency finds that the war in Ukraine has accelerated the world’s transition to cleaner energy sources

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Scaling up climate-smart agriculture practices

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Farm Progress. Scaling up climate-smart agriculture practices across complex landscapes and diverse ecosystems can be challenging. The traditional approach used by many scientists in agriculture and natural systems is narrowly focused on a set of one-dimensional questions sometimes fundamentally deficient in addressing the complexity of landscapes, interactions between human-driven effects … Continue reading Scaling up climate-smart agriculture practices.