Mon.Jul 25, 2022

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What Are the Benefits of Switching from Gasoline-Powered Cars and Trucks to Electric?

Union of Concerned Scientists

Transportation is the largest source of global warming emissions in the US and the passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs produce the majority of transportation emissions. Limiting climate change will require the rapid reduction in these emissions from the vehicles we drive. Electric vehicles (EVs) can eliminate tailpipe emissions altogether and so are an attractive option for reducing both global-warming and smog-forming air pollution.

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Taking A Data-Driven Tour of Air Pollution Law

Legal Planet

Earlier this year, a team of economists published a retrospective paper on the Clean Air Act. It surveys the economic literature to find out what the data tells us about emission trading systems, the effects of pollutants, and effects of imposing tougher regulatory requirements in areas that failed to meet national air quality standards. Some of the findings are not surprises: stricter regulations actually do result in improved air quality.


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Boosting Michigan’s Energy Future with Regional Transmission Upgrades

Union of Concerned Scientists

Today, the regional entity overseeing much of the electric power grid in the Midwest—the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)—approved a set of major new transmission system upgrades that will bring billions of dollars in benefits to the region while better enabling states and utilities to pursue transitions to clean energy. See here for my colleague Sam Gomberg’s excellent post explaining the background and details on what is known as “Tranche 1” of MISO’s long range transmissi

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Collaboration Helps Increase Michigan Recycling Manufacturing

Environment + Energy Leader

A partnership in Michigan is helping increase recycling processes of food cartons to help make more sustainable paper products. The post Collaboration Helps Increase Michigan Recycling Manufacturing appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Overdue Grid Improvements Will Help Illinois Achieve Energy Goals

Union of Concerned Scientists

This week, the Midwest’s regional electric grid operators approved nearly $10.5 billion of critical transmission line upgrades across the region, including in Illinois. These investments will bring more clean energy online, improve grid resiliency, and deliver significant consumer benefits and jobs. As Illinoisans face higher prices due to a power supply crunch and increased risks of controlled blackouts, cost-saving grid improvements can’t come soon enough.

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Demand for Pulp Packaging to Increase 6.2% Annually through 2026

Environment + Energy Leader

Demand for molded pulp packaging is forecast to increase 6.2% per year through 2026, finds a new Freedonia Group analysis. The post Demand for Pulp Packaging to Increase 6.2% Annually through 2026 appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Collaboration Helps Increase Michigan Recycling Manufacturing

Environment + Energy Leader

A partnership in Michigan is helping increase recycling processes of food cartons to help make more sustainable paper products. The post Collaboration Helps Increase Michigan Recycling Manufacturing appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Texas Correction Deed Statute Revisited

Energy & the Law

Those who continue to be horrified by Broadway National Bank, Trustee v. Yates Energy Corp. should be relieved that the result in Endeavor Energy Resources, LP v. Anderson was more equitable. In Yates , the Texas Supreme Court held that Texas Property Code Section 5.029 permitted original parties to a conveyance to execute a correction deed without notice to or joinder of the current owners when the original grantees no longer owned the property.

2003 130
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Why pineapple leaves are a promising candidate to replace plastic materials used in single-use masks

Environmental News Bits

by Dwi Umi Siswanti, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Tiara Putri, Universitas Gadjah Mada The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased demand for single-use masks, putting pressure on global plastic waste problems. A single face mask can release as many as 173,000 microfibres per day into the seas. According to a 2020 report by an … Continue reading Why pineapple leaves are a promising candidate to replace plastic materials used in single-use masks.

2020 103
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Where to See a Moose

Cool Green Science

A moose spotter’s guide to the best parks and preserves. The post Where to See a Moose appeared first on Cool Green Science.

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Implementing D.E.J.I. Strategies in Energy, Environment, and Transportation

Speaker: Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (DEJI) policies, programs, and initiatives are critically important as we move forward with public and private sector climate and sustainability goals and plans. Underserved and socially, economically, and racially disadvantaged communities bear the burden of pollution, higher energy costs, limited resources, and limited investments in the clean energy and transportation sectors.

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Controversial idea that T. rex was three species comes under fire

New Scientist

A study that proposed Tyrannosaurus rex is three separate dinosaur species has been strongly disputed by another group of researchers, who say there was just one iconic tyrant lizard king

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Ag and Food Law Daily Update: July 25, 2022

National Law Center

A comprehensive summary of today’s judicial, legislative, and regulatory developments in agriculture and food. Email important additions HERE. . The post Ag and Food Law Daily Update: July 25, 2022 appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

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Mystery child hepatitis cases linked to previously 'harmless' virus

New Scientist

Two studies have linked the mysterious rise in unexplained hepatitis cases among children to the adeno-associated virus 2, which infects nearly everyone early in childhood

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SCA and Scania Develop Electric Timber Trucks

Environmental Leader

SCA, together with Scania, has developed the world's first electric timber truck with a capacity of 80 metric tons. SCA's goal is to make the entire value chain fossil-free. The post SCA and Scania Develop Electric Timber Trucks appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Shaping a Resilient Future: Climate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Speaker: Laurie Schoeman Director, Climate & Sustainability, Capital

As households and communities across the nation face challenges such as hurricanes, wildfires, drought, extreme heat and cold, and thawing permafrost and flooding, we are increasingly searching for ways to mitigate and prevent climate impacts. During this event, national climate and housing expert Laurie Schoeman will discuss topics including: The two paths for climate action: decarbonization and adaptation.

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JWST finds galaxies may adopt Milky Way-like shape faster than thought

New Scientist

Astronomers thought that galaxies in the early universe would mostly be shapeless blobs, but an analysis of data from the James Webb Space Telescope suggests around half are disc-shaped like the Milky Way

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SCA and Scania Develop Electric Timber Trucks

Environmental Leader

SCA, together with Scania, has developed the world's first electric timber truck with a capacity of 80 metric tons. SCA's goal is to make the entire value chain fossil-free. The post SCA and Scania Develop Electric Timber Trucks appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Air pollution likely to be causing dementia, say UK science advisers

New Scientist

Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants identifies three ways exposure to dirty air could be leading to cognitive decline in older people

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Belize’s Turtle Island Beach Resort Adds Microgrid

Environmental Leader

The system will help the resort with its goals to transition to 100% renewable energy. The post Belize’s Turtle Island Beach Resort Adds Microgrid appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Sustainability at Retail

Sustainability impacts every nation, company, and person around the world. So much so that, in 2015, the United Nations (UN) issued a call for action by all countries to work toward sustainable development. In response to this and as part of a global Sustainability at Retail initiative, Shop! worked collaboratively with its global affiliates to address these critical issues in this white paper.

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Penn State Study: Potential Pollution Caused By Road Dumping Conventional Oil & Gas Wastewater Makes It Unsuitable For A Dust Suppressant, Washes Right Off The Road Into The Ditch

PA Environment Daily

On July 25, Dr. William Burgos, lead author of a new Penn State University study of road dumping conventional oil and gas wastewater released in May, told DEP’s Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board the potential pollution caused by road dumping makes it unsuitable for a dust suppressant. The study found runoff from spreading conventional oil and gas wastewater on unpaved roads contains concentrations of barium, strontium, lithium, iron, manganese that exceed human-health based criteria and level

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California Supreme Court Denies Depublication Requests In Livermore CEQA Case Addressing “No Project” Alternative

CEQA Developments

On July 13, 2022, the California Supreme Court denied numerous depublication requests with respect to, and declined to review on its own motion, the First District Court of Appeal’s decision in Save the Hill Group v. City of Livermore (2022) 76 Cal.App.5th 1092, S. Ct. Case No. S274754; Ct. App. Case No. A161573. My May 26, 2022 post on the League of Cities’ and CSAC’s depublication requests, which were shortly thereafter followed by further depublication requests by Respondent City of Livermor

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A grassroots coalition turns to solar and batteries to help New Orleans cope with disasters

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Canary Media. Community and faith groups are raising $13.8 million to build clean-powered ?“lighthouses” across Louisiana and boost post-hurricane grid resilience.

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Even 'net zero' aviation could still cause significant global warming

New Scientist

Not accounting for aviation’s non-CO2 effects such as contrails could ignore 90 per cent of future flights’ contribution to climate change

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Earth911 Podcast: Author Peter Fiekowsky on Climate Restoration

Earth 911

In a conversation sure to fire controversy, author and Foundation for Climate Restoration founder Peter. The post Earth911 Podcast: Author Peter Fiekowsky on Climate Restoration appeared first on Earth911.

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Monkeypox has become a global health emergency, says WHO

New Scientist

The World Health Organization has declared the spread of monkeypox to be a "public health emergency of international concern", its highest alert level

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Webinar: Getting Decarb Done: A Guide for Business?

Environmental News Bits

Aug 4, 2022, noon CDTRegister here. Companies face increasing pressure to dramatically reduce, report and account for how their operations impact society and the environment. Consumers and shareholders demand meaningful reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and resource consumption, while receiving the same high-quality, reliable service that turns a profit.

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Hibernating beetles break down and regrow their muscles on demand

New Scientist

Colorado potato beetles lose almost all the mitochondria in their muscles during hibernation, but regrow them in time to start flying in the spring

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Wisconsin city’s solar project reduces emissions

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Environment + Energy Leader. The City of Wauwatosa first set significant emissions reduction and sustainability goals more than a decade ago and last year installed a solar energy system on the roof of its city hall complex, which is already seeing significant results. The solar array was completed during the … Continue reading Wisconsin city’s solar project reduces emissions.

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AI learns how to recognise the species of splatted mosquitoes

New Scientist

Researchers have gathered 1500 images of mosquitoes – both squished and not – for training AI.

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Low Carbon Technology Strategies Toolkit

Environmental News Bits

DOE developed the Low Carbon Technology Strategies guidance documents to support organizations in their journeys to reduce carbon emissions in their buildings. The primary purpose is to aid owners and operators of existing buildings in planning retrofit and operational strategies to achieve deep carbon reductions. These strategy documents supplement existing energy design guides where new … Continue reading Low Carbon Technology Strategies Toolkit.

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Belize’s Turtle Island Beach Resort Adds Microgrid

Environmental Leader

The system will help the resort with its goals to transition to 100% renewable energy. The post Belize’s Turtle Island Beach Resort Adds Microgrid appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Charlotte mobility plan aims to slash car use, transform access to lower-emission options

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Smart Cities Dive. The strategic mobility plan that Charlotte, North Carolina, recently passed seeks to reduce carbon emissions, improve equity and replace cars on the road with new transit options. Two main goals are expanding transit options to achieve a 50-50 mode share — in which half of all trips are not … Continue reading Charlotte mobility plan aims to slash car use, transform access to lower-emission options.

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Avalanches may be caused by earthquake-like shifts in snow

New Scientist

A computer simulation found that some avalanches are caused by snow fracturing in a way similar to how fault planes slide in earthquakes

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The government set a colossal wildfire. What are victims owed?

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story in the New York Times. Two prescribed burns got out of control, becoming New Mexico’s largest recorded wildfire. But despite the backlash, experts say it’s necessary to thin forests in a region primed for destruction.