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A Brazen California Water Heist Revealed, Prosecuted & Punished

Legal Planet

Former Panoche Drainage District Manager & Convicted Water Thief Dennis Falaschi (credit: Fresno Bee) Recently, former Panoche Drainage District general manager Dennis Falaschi pled guilty in federal district court in Fresno to having conspired to steal millions of gallons of publicly-owned water from California’s Central Valley Project (CVP) for private gain.

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I drove the nails through the roof, descended from the ladder and entered my living room. I had been nailing some solar panels onto my roof. I checked the battery, inverter, charge controller and the multiplug connected to the lights and other electronics. I was satisfied.


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Atoms at temperatures beyond absolute zero may be a new form of matter

New Scientist

Physicists have coaxed a cloud of atoms into having a temperature beyond absolute zero and placed them in a geometric structure that could produce an unknown form of matter

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House Hearing: Penn State Center For Dirt & Gravel Road Studies Says Road Spreading Oil & Gas Wastewater Is Not An Effective Dust Suppressant, Does Not Meet Environmental Testing Standards

PA Environment Daily

On June 10, Eric Chase, Assistant Teaching Professor and Assistant Director of the Penn State Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies said road spreading oil and gas wastewater is “not effective at suppressing dust and pose potential environmental harm and due to high levels of chloride and radium would not pass the testing requirements to be eligible for Program funds.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Finding Light in Dark Places: Specific Obligations for Climate Change and Ocean Acidification Mitigation

Law Columbia

Can the new advisory opinion interpreting the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) move us beyond the lethargy of unmet climate change policy needs ? The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (the Tribunal, ITLOS) established the gravity of this question by stating that “climate change represents an existential threat and raises human rights concerns” (para. 66).

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How are California’s New Climate Adaptation and Resilience Grant Programs Performing?

Legal Planet

California is rapidly experiencing the impacts of a changing climate, from devastating wildfires and persistent droughts to rising sea levels, extreme heat, and erratic precipitation patterns. Climate adaptation is crucial for building resilience to these and other risks, thereby protecting California’s communities, economy, environment, and public health.

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Forests may grow more slowly than expected as CO2 levels rise

New Scientist

Rising CO2 levels will spur the growth of forests, which store carbon, but an experiment suggests this effect could be restricted by the availability of phosphorus in the soil

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PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices, Opportunities To Comment - June 8

PA Environment Daily

The following DEP notices were published in the June 8 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities. Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments. Land Recycling/Brownfield Cleanups -- Sun Pipeline LP - Elverson Value Station: DEP received an Notice of Intent to remediate soil and groundwater contaminated with unleaded gasoline to meet the Statewide Health Standards and the Site-Specific Standards at a site located in Elverson Borough, Chester County. ( PA Bulletin, pa

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Passage of Bill 185 Undermines the Integrity of all Future Development Approvals Outside Existing Built up Areas

Enviromental Defense

“Third party” appeals limited to polluters, airports, and aggregate pits Statement from Phil Pothen, Land Use and Land Development program manager Toronto | Traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat – Bill 185 effectively ends meaningful, independent oversight of development approvals outside existing built up areas.

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Book review: Cultivated Meat to Secure Our Future

A Greener Life

By Jeremy Williams It’s a tricky time to be writing about food sustainability. The issue seems to be strangely divisive at the moment. On one side are those who see our future needs being met through small-scale organic farming. On the other are those who see no way to produce enough for all the world’s population that way, and are open to more technological solutions.

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Implementing D.E.J.I. Strategies in Energy, Environment, and Transportation

Speaker: Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (DEJI) policies, programs, and initiatives are critically important as we move forward with public and private sector climate and sustainability goals and plans. Underserved and socially, economically, and racially disadvantaged communities bear the burden of pollution, higher energy costs, limited resources, and limited investments in the clean energy and transportation sectors.

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How to Improve Prospective Memory, the Ability to Remember to Remember

Scientific American

Prospective memory is a skill that can be practiced, making it more likely that someone can remember an appointment or meet a deadline

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The word ‘bot’ is increasingly being used as an insult on social media

New Scientist

The meaning of the word "bot" on Twitter/X seems to have shifted over time, with people originally using it to flag automated accounts, but now employing it to insult people they disagree with

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House Hearing: Conventional Oil & Gas Industry Trade Groups Oppose Bill Banning The Road Dumping Their Wastewater Saying It’s ‘Effective And Safe’

PA Environment Daily

On June 10, three conventional oil and gas industry trade groups submitted a written statement to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee for a hearing on House Bill 2384 and road dumping oil and gas wastewater saying they oppose a ban on the disposal practice. The groups included the PA Independent Oil & Gas Association, the PA Independent Petroleum Producers and the PA Grade Crude Oil Coalition.

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STATEMENT: Big Oil’s testimony on emissions reduction misses the big picture 

Enviromental Defense

Statement by Emilia Belliveau, Energy Transition Program Manager Ottawa | Traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg People – At today’s Parliamentary Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (ENVI), Members of Parliament grilled the fossil fuel industry about their climate pollution. The oil and gas CEOs tried to deflect responsibility for their massive greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), but the writing is on the wall for these Climate Villains: you can’t ma

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Shaping a Resilient Future: Climate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Speaker: Laurie Schoeman Director, Climate & Sustainability, Capital

As households and communities across the nation face challenges such as hurricanes, wildfires, drought, extreme heat and cold, and thawing permafrost and flooding, we are increasingly searching for ways to mitigate and prevent climate impacts. During this event, national climate and housing expert Laurie Schoeman will discuss topics including: The two paths for climate action: decarbonization and adaptation.

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Jodhpur, India Unveils A Net-Zero Public Cooling Station


As India grapples with intense heat, its cities are advancing cooling solutions to help keep people safe.

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Heat Waves Make AC Too Expensive for Many People

Scientific American

Poorer households face climate-related dangers during heat waves amid climbing electricity costs, a report by state energy officials warns

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Sweetener xylitol linked to higher risk of heart attacks and strokes

New Scientist

People who had higher levels of xylitol in their blood were more likely to have a heart attack or stroke within the next three years, with lab experiments suggesting the sweetener promotes blood clotting

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House Hearing: Penn State Expert Says ‘Pennsylvania Should Ban Road Spreading Of Oil & Gas Wastewater;’ Contaminants Exceed Health, Environmental Standards

PA Environment Daily

On June 10, Dr. William Burgos, a Penn State Professor of Environmental Engineering, appeared before the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee to outline the finding of extensive research by Penn State on the environmental and health risks of road dumping. Based on that research, Dr. Burgos came to this bottom line-- “Pennsylvania should ban road spreading of O&G PW [oil and gas wastewater].

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Sustainability at Retail

Sustainability impacts every nation, company, and person around the world. So much so that, in 2015, the United Nations (UN) issued a call for action by all countries to work toward sustainable development. In response to this and as part of a global Sustainability at Retail initiative, Shop! worked collaboratively with its global affiliates to address these critical issues in this white paper.

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California’s “Room to Roam Act:” Factoring Wildlife Connectivity Into Land Use Planning

Endangered Species Law

Recently, the California Assembly passed Assembly Bill 1889 , the “Room to Roam Act.” If enacted without changes, the Room to Roam Act would amend Section 65302 of the Government Code to add certain “fish, wildlife, and habitat connectivity” considerations to the provisions governing general plans for land use in Californian cities and counties.

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New NRDC Analysis: Gov Shapiro's Energy Plan is a Winner


Two foundational power sector policies, cap-and-invest plus ambitious clean electricity targets, provide significant benefits

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SpaceX Starship Blasts through Plasma on Return from Ambitious Test Flight

Scientific American

Elon Musk’s SpaceX made a much-anticipated fourth test flight of the world’s most powerful rocket, Starship, a vehicle designed to power human flight to the moon and Mars

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Elephants seem to invent names for each other

New Scientist

An analysis of their vocalisations suggests that African savannah elephants invent names for each other, making them the only animals other than humans thought to do so

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DEP Oil & Gas Advisory Board Meets June 13 On Migration Of Waste From Injection Wells; E&S Permitting; Federal Plugging Programs; Updated Conventional Waste Regs; Financial Assurance To Prevent Well Abandonment

PA Environment Daily

On the agenda for DEP’s Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board June 13 meeting is a discussion of a variety of topics, including-- -- Potential For Wastewater Migration From Underground Injection Disposal Wells -- Financial Assurance Strategies To Address Future Well Abandonment -- Orphan & Abandoned Well Topics-- -- Implications Of Changing Definitions For Abandoned, Orphan Wells [ Read more here.] -- Rate Of Well Abandonment vs.

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Western ‘checkerboard’ lands to be discussed at Western Ag & Environmental Law Conference

National Law Center

Western ‘checkerboard’ lands to be discussed at Western Ag & Environmental Law Conference Wyoming attorneys Ryan Semerad and Karen Budd-Falen will. The post Western ‘checkerboard’ lands to be discussed at Western Ag & Environmental Law Conference appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

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Centre for Environment and Sustainability: Meet Ben Siggery

The Applied Ecologist

In this new series, The Applied Ecologist is amplifying the staff and student voices from the University of Surrey’s Centre for Environment and Sustainability to showcase their diverse, interdisciplinary body of work and to help inspire the next generation. In this post, we share below recent research by Ben Siggery.

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Why More Space Launches Could Be a Good Thing for the Climate

Scientific American

A space technology company CEO explains how growing competition in the commercial space industry may help boost climate science

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Glasses coated in lithium could let us see in the dark

New Scientist

A film made of lithium niobate and gratings of silicon dioxide converts infrared light into visible light better than the other leading compound, potentially allowing nighttime vision

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Better Path Coalition: DEP Removes Co-Product Category From Conventional Oil & Gas Waste Reporting Database; Well Owners Continue To Fail To Report How They Dispose Of Their Waste

PA Environment Daily

On June 7, the Better Path Coalition reported the Department of Environmental Protection has removed the co-product category from its waste disposal reporting database for conventional oil and gas well owners, according to documents the Coalition received in response to a Right-To-Know request. The co-product category was questioned by the Coalition because DEP has not approved any request from conventional oil and gas well owners to use the industry's wastewater under the co-product provisions

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Cell-Cultured Meat Updates: state bans, labeling requirements, and regulatory clarifications

National Law Center

Though 2024 is only halfway over, much has already happened this year within the meat alternatives realm. Meat alternative is a. The post Cell-Cultured Meat Updates: state bans, labeling requirements, and regulatory clarifications appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

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Texas Droughts Are Getting Much More Expensive

Inside Climate News

Rising temperatures intensify drought and increase costs for the heavily subsidized crop insurance program. Texas farmers say they couldn’t do business without it. By Dylan Baddour, Inside Climate News, and Alejandra Martinez, Texas Tribune The financial costs of drought in Texas have risen rapidly over recent decades, according to a new analysis of federal crop insurance data.

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NASA Rejects Hubble Space Telescope Rescue Mission and Trims Its Science

Scientific American

Failing hardware on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope may lead to less science, officials say, but the space agency isn’t ready to pursue a private repair mission

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Mathematicians can't agree what 'equals' means, and that's a problem

New Scientist

What does "equals" mean? For mathematicians, this simple question has more than one answer, which is causing issues when it comes to using computers to check proofs.

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DCNR State Parks Environmental Education: Visit A Green Space Near You For Some Down Time

PA Environment Daily

The May edition of the DCNR State Parks Environmental Education newsletter advises taking time for ourselves by visiting a green space during National Mental Health Awareness Month in May. The educators at DCNR share some easy and fun nature-based activities, free resources for educators and professional development opportunities. -- Teaching Ideas: Dissecting Daffodils; Celebrate Amphibian Week -- Upcoming Educator Workshops -- Explore the Outdoors -- Still Time To Take The PA Statewide Environ

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