Wed.Aug 17, 2022

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Climate impacts of the #IRA

Real Climate

With the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on Tuesday Aug 16, the most significant climate legislation in US federal history (so far) became law. Despite the odd name (and greatly overused TLA ), the IRA contains a huge number of elements, totalling roughly $350 billion of investment, in climate solutions over the next ten years. This is an historic effort though it falls short of the broader ‘ Green New Deal ‘ goals that were proposed in 2019, and doesn’t include al

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Coming soon to Massachusetts cities and towns: all electric buildings

Law and Environment

As we’ve discussed before , multiple cities and towns in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have tried to ban fossil fuel hookups for new buildings by zoning or other ordinance over the past few years. But in July 2020, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Municipal Law Unit struck down the first such ban that came across its desk as inconsistent with other state law.


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New Frameworks to Address Vehicle Travel Impacts

Legal Planet

When Caltrans and other state and local agencies build or approve projects that increase car traffic, state law requires them to mitigate those impacts. A new report from CLEE proposes development of state and regional programs that would allow these agencies to mitigate by investing in offsite bike lanes, bus-only lanes, transit passes, and other measures to effectively and efficiently reduce a corresponding amount of vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

2013 130
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The Stream, August 17, 2022: Drought May Worsen Across England, Bringing More Water Restrictions

Circle of Blue

The extreme heat and drought has dried up the typically lush grasses of London’s Greenwich Park. Photo from August 12, 2022. Photo © Alisdare Hickson / Flickr. YOUR GLOBAL RUNDOWN. Wildfires are raging across France as the country suffers through its worst drought on record. . Climate adaptation is severely underfunded in Africa , according to a new report.

2022 130
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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Two-Thirds of Alaska's Kenai Fjords Glaciers In Retreat, Study Finds

Yale E360

Almost half of Kenai Fjords National Park, which sits on the southern coast of Alaska, is covered in glacial ice. As temperatures rise, almost two-thirds of the park's glaciers are in retreat, a new study finds. Read more on E360 ?.

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State Climate Policy Dashboard

Environmental News Bits

The State Climate Policy Dashboard is an information hub on the Climate XChange website that establishes a framework for state climate policy. It also tracks the status of and provides educational resources for each policy. It is comprised of two components: the State Climate Policy Tracker and the State Climate Policy Resource Hub. The State … Continue reading State Climate Policy Dashboard.

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PepsiCo set to grow sustainability-related investments

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story in Food Business News. PepsiCo, Inc. has closed on a new $1.25 billion 10-year green bond, proceeds from which will be used to deliver key environmental sustainability initiatives under two pillars of its pep+ agenda: Positive Agriculture and Positive Value Chain. The new green bond is the Purchase-based company’s second since … Continue reading PepsiCo set to grow sustainability-related investments.

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Physicists surprised to discover the proton contains a charm quark

New Scientist

The textbook description of a proton says it contains three smaller particles - two up quarks and a down quark - but a new analysis has found strong evidence that it also holds a charm quark

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China’s largest river has a climate problem

A Greener Life

The Yangtze River. Photo credit: Reuters / Carlos Barria. By Anders Lorenzen. The Yangtze, the longest river in China , has been feeling the impacts of climate change. The regions that rely on the river have to deploy pumps and cloud-seeding rockets as a long drought has been depleting water levels and threatening crops, and the heatwave engulfing the region is set to last for another two weeks.

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Sac with a mouth and no anus wasn't our earliest ancestor after all

New Scientist

Saccorhytus coronarius lived around 500 million years ago and was thought to be a common ancestor of deuterostomes, making it the earliest known ancestor of humans, but it turns out to be on another branch of life

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Implementing D.E.J.I. Strategies in Energy, Environment, and Transportation

Speaker: Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (DEJI) policies, programs, and initiatives are critically important as we move forward with public and private sector climate and sustainability goals and plans. Underserved and socially, economically, and racially disadvantaged communities bear the burden of pollution, higher energy costs, limited resources, and limited investments in the clean energy and transportation sectors.

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Mythbusting: 5 Energy Storage Misconceptions and the Reality Behind Them

Environmental Leader

On its own, battery storage allows businesses to store energy when it’s cheapest and use that stored energy at the most expensive times; when combined with solar, battery storage helps companies meet corporate social responsibility and resilience goals while also managing costs. But though awareness is certainly on the rise, misconceptions about the technology still hold many companies back.

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Curiosity Mars rover gets 50 per cent speed boost from software update

New Scientist

The navigation strategy of NASA's Curiosity rover means it has to stop frequently to check its position, but soon a software update will allow it to move almost continuously

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Influential oil company scenarios for combating climate change don’t actually meet the Paris Agreement goals, our new analysis shows

Environmental News Bits

by Robert Brecha, University of Dayton and Gaurav Ganti, Humboldt University of Berlin Several major oil companies, including BP and Shell, periodically publish scenarios forecasting the future of the energy sector. In recent years, they have added visions for how climate change might be addressed, including scenarios that they claim are consistent with the international … Continue reading Influential oil company scenarios for combating climate change don’t actually meet the Paris Agreemen

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The star Betelgeuse has stopped dimming – but it's still acting weird

New Scientist

After a weird event dubbed the Great Dimming in 2019, the plasma that makes up Betelgeuse is sloshing around inside the star, erasing pulsations that have been measured for centuries

2019 98
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Shaping a Resilient Future: Climate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Speaker: Laurie Schoeman Director, Climate & Sustainability, Capital

As households and communities across the nation face challenges such as hurricanes, wildfires, drought, extreme heat and cold, and thawing permafrost and flooding, we are increasingly searching for ways to mitigate and prevent climate impacts. During this event, national climate and housing expert Laurie Schoeman will discuss topics including: The two paths for climate action: decarbonization and adaptation.

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Ag and Food Law Daily Update: August 17, 2022

National Law Center

A comprehensive summary of today’s judicial, legislative, and regulatory developments in agriculture and food. Email important additions HERE. . The post Ag and Food Law Daily Update: August 17, 2022 appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

Law 89
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Floating artificial leaf converts energy from sunlight into fuel

New Scientist

A solar fuel cell that produces carbon monoxide and hydrogen is light enough to float on water, which could help address the shortage of land available for solar projects

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US Steel, Equinor, and Shell to Develop Clean Energy Hub in the OH, PA, WV Region

Environmental Leader

United States Steel Corporation, Equinor US Holdings, and Shell US Gas & Power have entered into a non-exclusive Cooperation Agreement to advance a collaborative clean energy hub in the Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania region. The post US Steel, Equinor, and Shell to Develop Clean Energy Hub in the OH, PA, WV Region appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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More than half of people infected with omicron may not know it

New Scientist

Out of 210 people who had antibodies suggesting they had recently had the covid-19 omicron variant, more than half were unaware they were carrying the virus

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Sustainability at Retail

Sustainability impacts every nation, company, and person around the world. So much so that, in 2015, the United Nations (UN) issued a call for action by all countries to work toward sustainable development. In response to this and as part of a global Sustainability at Retail initiative, Shop! worked collaboratively with its global affiliates to address these critical issues in this white paper.

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Carbon capture rate overstated – IEEFA

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Energy Monitor. The efficacy of industrial carbon capture technology is being overstated, according to new research from US think tank the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA). Analysing the life cycle emissions of Enchant Energy’s proposed retrofit of the San Juan Generating Station in New Mexico, the research estimates the overall carbon … Continue reading Carbon capture rate overstated – IEEFA.

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When Animals Dream review: Making the case for 'animalhood'

New Scientist

In his new book, David Peña-Guzmán argues that animals that can dream have a sense of self, and therefore a far more complex kind of "animalhood" than we thought possible

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Ag & Food Law Quarterly Report: First & Second Quarter 2022

National Law Center

The National Agricultural Law Center provides the Ag & Food Law Quarterly Report as part of its mission to serve as. The post Ag & Food Law Quarterly Report: First & Second Quarter 2022 appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

Law 85
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Why masses of new species have been staring us in the face all along

New Scientist

Cutting edge analyses are revealing that species of mammal are more numerous than we thought, with thousands more hiding in plain sight.

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Ag & Food Law Quarterly Report: Second Quarter 2022

National Law Center

The National Agricultural Law Center provides the Ag & Food Law Quarterly Report as part of its mission to serve as. The post Ag & Food Law Quarterly Report: Second Quarter 2022 appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

Law 80
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They helped create ESG. Two decades later, some see a mess.

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at E&E News. What started as a half-baked idea among low-level staffers at the United Nations has grown into the green Frankenstein of Wall Street. ESG investing is now worth nearly $2.8 trillion in assets worldwide, according to one estimate. A big reason for the explosion is that the three-letter acronym … Continue reading They helped create ESG.

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What hackers get up to when left on an island in the Pacific

New Scientist

Campsite coding Deerpunk costumes, tacos delivered by drones and a game called "Beerocracy" featured at this year's ToorCamp for hackers – it was a blast, writes Annalee Newitz

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AgTech startup Arable raises $40 million to scale sustainable agriculture solutions

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at ESG Today. Sustainability-focused agriculture tech solutions provider Arable announced today that it has raised $40 million to accelerate product development, new service delivery, and footprint expansion, aimed at advancing climate resilience in agriculture.

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The promise – and pitfalls – of monitoring our excrement

New Scientist

What we flush down the toilet is becoming a valuable resource for tracking diseases, including monkeypox and polio, but there are important questions over who gets to use it and what for

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How can the US increase beverage can recycling?

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Beverage Daily. Less than half of beverage cans in the US are currently recycled: but US can manufacturers want to see 80% recycled by 2040 and 90% by 2050. So how can these goals be reached?

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Biorefineries Can Increase Financial Returns with Renewable Propane

Environmental Leader

Biorefineries can increase their financial returns by selling renewable propane instead of using it as a processing fuel or as a hydrogen feedstock. The post Biorefineries Can Increase Financial Returns with Renewable Propane appeared first on Environment + Energy Leader.

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Mexican drought spurs a South Texas water crisis

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at Inside Climate News. A century of enterprise brought the Rio Grande to its brink. Now authorities are “praying for a hurricane” as reservoirs dwindle and populations boom on both sides of the border.

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How to dry the seeds from your garden to plant next spring

New Scientist

Expand your plant collection for free by saving seeds this year, storing them over the winter and sowing them next spring, says Clare Wilson

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These startups seek to close the supply-and-demand gap for recycled plastics

Environmental News Bits

Read the full story at GreenBiz. Circular, launched in June and based in Palo Alto, California, is an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of post-consumer recycled plastic. Cirplus has been doing that since 2018 out of Hamburg, Germany. Circularise, founded in 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands, plays a different role, helping buyers and sellers … Continue reading These startups seek to close the supply-and-demand gap for recycled plastics.

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Scent review: How fragrant plants weave their magic

New Scientist

From frankincense to cacao and vanilla, Scent: A natural history of fragrance shows how aromatic substances have helped shape human culture