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Driving on Electricity Is Now Much Cleaner than Using a Gasoline Car

Union of Concerned Scientists

Replacing gasoline with electricity greatly reduces the carbon emissions from driving. Based on where electric vehicles (EVs) have been sold, driving the average EV in the US produces global warming emissions equal to a hypothetical 94 mile per gallon gasoline car, or less than a third of the emissions of the average new gasoline car. Transportation is the largest sector for emissions , and passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs are the majority of transportation emissions, so there is no way to slow

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Halftime Report: Environmental Bills Moving Forward 

Legal Planet

Legislators reached the first deadline of the 2023-2024 legislative season last week—passage of bills out of their house of origin. As the name implies, this refers to Assembly bills working their way through the Assembly, and Senate bills moving through the Senate, culminating with floor votes which concluded last Friday, May 24 th. This period is marked as the crossover, where the bills that passed off the floor of their house of origin, move to the other house for the review process to begin


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New journal: Nature 2023?

Real Climate

There were a number of media reports today related to Yuan et al. (2024) , for instance, New Scientist , The Guardian etc. However, this is really just the beginning of what is likely to be a bit of a cottage industry in the next few months relating to possible causes/influences on the extreme temperatures seen in 2023. So to help people keep track, we’ll maintain a list here to focus discussions.

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Self-care is not merely important today—it is essential.


Consider the individuals enduring the pressures of life, navigating through challenges and adversities. Envision men and women striving to secure employment… Struggling to make ends meet… Facing difficulties in their marriages… Juggling demanding work responsibilities… Endeavoring to meet others’ expectations… Struggles upon struggles.

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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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Environmental Groups Challenge Highway Expansion Project in Court


Environmental groups filed suit today to challenge the Yolo I-80 highway expansion project. Citing a flawed environmental impact report that understates the true impacts to traffic, climate and air quality, the groups petitioned the courts to require Caltrans to redo.

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Get Ready: 85% Chance of Above-Normal Atlantic Hurricane Season that May Break Records

Union of Concerned Scientists

Source: [link] The May 23 outlook from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) forecasts 17 to 25 named storms, eight to 13 of which could become hurricanes. NOAA [link] Four to seven major hurricanes are forecast. This is a concerning outlook, and it can be explained as follows. The recipe for the 2024 hurricane outlook Ingredients : Record warm sea surface temperature ( SST ) for most of the Atlantic (currently 1-2 degrees Celsius above average, which is more like temperat

Ocean 235

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Parkinson’s disease could be prevented by a recent tetanus vaccine

New Scientist

People who have had a recent vaccine against tetanus appear to be less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease, suggesting that the bacterial infection is involved in the condition

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Some Bridges are Meant to be Burnt: A Guide to Letting Go of Toxicity


Picture this: you’re standing at the edge of a rickety, old bridge. The planks are rotting, the ropes are frayed, and every step you take sends a shiver up your spine. Welcome to the bridge of toxic relationships and addictive habits. It’s a marvel that you’ve made it this far without tumbling into the abyss.

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Lt. Governor, Acting DEP Secretary Highlight Potential Of Solar Power On Abandoned Mine Lands At Beaver County Site; Issued New Report On Solar Potential Of Mined Lands

PA Environment Daily

On May 30, Lt. Gov. Austin Davis and Acting Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection Jessica Shirley touted the potential economic and environmental benefits of building solar facilities on abandoned mine lands in Pennsylvania at a news conference at a newly operational solar farm in Beaver County. The new solar site, owned by Four Twelve Renewables , will partner with the Dollar Energy Fund to ensure proceeds from the site go towards helping to lower utility bills in low-income c

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In the Race for Clean Energy, the United States is Both a Leader and a Laggard—Here’s How

Union of Concerned Scientists

Announcing recently that the world broke a record by generating 30 percent of all electricity from renewable sources in 2023, the British think tank Ember said the data proves we are in a “new era” of energy in which a permanent decline in fossil fuels is “inevitable.” The new era would be even more inevitable if the United States fully committed to phasing out fossil fuels.

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Implementing D.E.J.I. Strategies in Energy, Environment, and Transportation

Speaker: Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (DEJI) policies, programs, and initiatives are critically important as we move forward with public and private sector climate and sustainability goals and plans. Underserved and socially, economically, and racially disadvantaged communities bear the burden of pollution, higher energy costs, limited resources, and limited investments in the clean energy and transportation sectors.

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Did the COVID Response Poison the Well for Climate Action?

Legal Planet

One meme that seems to be popping up is that the “evils” of the COVID response reveal some dark reality behind climate policy. There’s obviously some kinship: public health responses to COVID and climate policy are both efforts to head off serious global risks — one that, in the case of COVID, has killed over a million Americans. But this doesn’t explain the conspiratorial overtones.

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Quantum 'arrow of time' suggests early universe had no entanglement

New Scientist

One way to explain why time only moves forward is the quantum arrow of time, and it has major implications for both the universe's early period and its eventual demise

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Response to Disinformation From the Oil and Gas Industry on the Impacts of the Oil and Gas Emissions Cap

Enviromental Defense

Statement by Aly Hyder Ali, Oil and Gas Program Manager Ottawa | Traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg People – It is disappointing to see that the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) has once again resorted to using disinformation and stoking fear to avoid taking any responsibility for its climate pollution. In an analysis released today, CAPP claims that the oil and gas emissions cap will result in economic losses.

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Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Melting Even Faster Than Scientists Thought

Scientific American

Warming waters are reaching several miles into Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier—nicknamed the “doomsday glacier” because of its potential impact on sea-level rise

Sea Level 111
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Shaping a Resilient Future: Climate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Speaker: Laurie Schoeman Director, Climate & Sustainability, Capital

As households and communities across the nation face challenges such as hurricanes, wildfires, drought, extreme heat and cold, and thawing permafrost and flooding, we are increasingly searching for ways to mitigate and prevent climate impacts. During this event, national climate and housing expert Laurie Schoeman will discuss topics including: The two paths for climate action: decarbonization and adaptation.

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Here’s What We’re Asking Major Fossil Fuel Corporations at This Year’s Annual Meetings

Union of Concerned Scientists

At this year’s annual general meetings, major investor-owned fossil fuel corporations are facing fewer climate-related shareholder proposals than at any time since the adoption of the Paris climate agreement in 2015. But that doesn’t mean they’re under less pressure over their role in driving the climate crisis. As ExxonMobil retaliates against its own shareholders with an unprecedented lawsuit over a resolution requesting medium-term targets for reducing global warming emissions, institutional

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Financing and Investment Strategies for an Equitable Clean Mobility Transition

Legal Planet

The transition to 100 percent zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) sales by 2035 will require massive investment in electric vehicle charging infrastructure throughout California and in other states that have adopted the same phaseout targets. A variety of structural barriers to charging access make California’s priority populations particularly reliant on public charging infrastructure to meet their ZEV needs.

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Our writers pick their favourite science fiction books of all time

New Scientist

We asked New Scientist staff to pick their favourite science fiction books. Here are the results, ranging from 19th-century classics to modern day offerings, and from Octavia E. Butler to Iain M.

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Thursday PA Environment & Energy NewsClips - 5.30.24

PA Environment Daily

“The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.” - - Article I, Section 27 Pennsylvania Constitution [It’s Not A Suggestion] House next voting day June 3, 4, 5, 10, 1

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Sustainability at Retail

Sustainability impacts every nation, company, and person around the world. So much so that, in 2015, the United Nations (UN) issued a call for action by all countries to work toward sustainable development. In response to this and as part of a global Sustainability at Retail initiative, Shop! worked collaboratively with its global affiliates to address these critical issues in this white paper.

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Depression, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Are Linked with Ancient Viral DNA in Our Genome

Scientific American

Retroviruses, some of which predate the human species, are tied to a genetic susceptibility to major psychiatric disorders

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Meet the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish

Ocean Conservancy

Mesmerizing crowns. Gorgeous colors. Alien-like appearances beneath our ocean’s surface. There’s no doubt about it that crown-of-thorns starfish are fascinating animals. But don’t be fooled by the beautiful hues and interesting spikes … too many of these animals in one place can be destructive to coral reefs and dangerous to both humans and marine wildlife.

Ocean 98
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Tesla’s Pros and Cons: An Unbiased Examination


The post Tesla’s Pros and Cons: An Unbiased Examination appeared first on Earthava. Tesla, the pioneering electric vehicle manufacturer, has undeniably reshaped the landscape of the automotive industry with its commitment to sustainability and innovation. As the company navigates the challenges of scaling up production and maintaining technological superiority, potential buyers and industry observers weigh the merits and drawbacks of Tesla vehicles.

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Fossil trove reveals three new species of ancient egg-laying mammals

New Scientist

A set of Australian fossils offers a rare glimpse of the ancient relatives of platypuses and echidnas that lived alongside the dinosaurs 100 million years ago

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Protect PT Hosts 4 Virtual Workshops On How To Protect Yourself If You Live Near Shale Gas Facilities Starting June 11

PA Environment Daily

Westmoreland County-based Protect PT is hosting a series of four virtual workshops on Living Near Shale Gas Facilities starting June 11. Do you want to know the impacts of shale gas development on our communities? Are you concerned about air, water, or noise pollution from shale gas development will impact your health? Do you want to know how to advocate for you and your family to protect them from the negative impacts of shale gas development?

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Farm Bill 2024: Federal Crop Insurance Program Proposals

National Law Center

According to the Risk Management Agency (“RMA”), in 2023, 539 million acres and 42 million head of cattle and swine were. The post Farm Bill 2024: Federal Crop Insurance Program Proposals appeared first on National Agricultural Law Center.

2024 81
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Extreme Birding: The Strange Magic of Pelagics

Cool Green Science

12 hours on small boat with 16 strangers, all to see a handful of seabirds? Welcome to the strange magic of pelagic birding. The post Extreme Birding: The Strange Magic of Pelagics appeared first on Cool Green Science.

Cooling 89
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The Sunspot Cluster behind the Recent Auroras Is Back!

Scientific American

The massive sunspot region that gave Earthlings stunning auroral displays earlier in May is back from its trip around the far side of the sun

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'Unluckiest star' may be trapped in deadly dance with a black hole

New Scientist

A star in a distant galaxy appears to have been almost torn apart in a close shave with a supermassive black hole, not once but twice – and astronomers hope to see it happen again

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Penn State Extension Watershed Winds Newsletter Highlights Student AgVenture Camp; Watershed Stewards Native Plant Kit; Pond Management; Rain Barrel Guy; Much More!

PA Environment Daily

The latest Watershed Winds newsletter from Penn State Extension highlights a student AgVenture Camp in Lancaster; the Watershed Steward Rain Barrel Guy and Native Plant Kit; Streambank Stabilization and Benthic Macroinvertegrates and much more. Lancaster AgVenture Camp Youth aged 8 to 12 are invited to join Penn State Extension for an AgVenture Day Camp at Penn State's Southeast Agricultural Research Farm in Manheim, PA where they will learn how they can be Stream Doctors.

2024 100
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Court Orders Port of Los Angeles to Clean Up Pollution


The San Diego County Superior Court ruled in favor of Los Angeles harbor-area residents with a decision that will require the lease between the Port of Los Angeles and its largest shipping customer, China Shipping, to include enforceable measures to.

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Migration Data Helps Protect Leatherbacks Across Oceans

Cool Green Science

Data from a TNC-lead tagging study reveals the epic migrations of leatherback turtles. The post Migration Data Helps Protect Leatherbacks Across Oceans appeared first on Cool Green Science.

Ocean 82
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An Alternative to Conventional Neural Networks Could Help Reveal What AI Is Doing behind the Scenes

Scientific American

Despite their performance, current AI models have major weaknesses: they require enormous resources and are indecipherable.

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Babies group together their squeals and growls to prepare for speech

New Scientist

Babies seem to cluster together their squeals and growling noises, rather than making them sporadically, which suggests they are part of their preparation for talking

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Team From North East High School In Erie County Wins 2024 PA Envirothon, Now Goes To International Competition In July

PA Environment Daily

The Pennsylvania Envirothon announced a five-member team from North East High School in Erie County won the 2024 Statewide Envirothon and will represent the Commonwealth at the 34th NCF Envirothon international competition July 28 – August 3 at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. More than 45 teams from the United States, Canada, and China are expected to compete in the international Envirothon.

2024 97