Celebrating Black in Marine Science and a New Partnership

We here at TNC in Washington are honored and excited to share with you a new partnership with Black in Marine Science (BIMS)—a premier nonprofit organization incorporated here in Washington that celebrates Black marine scientists, spreads environmental awareness, and inspires the next generation of scientific thought leaders.

This partnership is led by the vision and leadership of Dr. Tiara Moore, an environmental ecologist that, in addition to being the founder and CEO of Black in Marine Science, is also a member of our team here at TNC. Her work here is an integral part of helping us conserve and steward the lands and waters upon which all life depends. She recently transitioned into a new role as Black in Marine Science Program Lead to steward this new partnership between the two organizations—stay tuned for a two-part Q&A that dives deep into her journey, BIMS, and what’s ahead.

All this week—Black in Marine Science Week—there have been many panels, workshops, and keynotes, all of which have been free and streamed to the BIMSTV YouTube channel.

There are also plenty of ways to connect and support Black in Marine Science beyond BIMS Week! Check out their site, bims.org, @blackinmarsci on Twitter, @blackinmarinescience on Instagram, plus lots of content on their YouTube channel.

Join us in celebrating and amplifying the work of Black marine scientists by tuning into BIMS Week this week and supporting their work into the future!