Transforming food waste into animal feeds: an in-depth overview of conversion technologies and environmental benefits

Hasan, Z., Lateef, M. (2023). “Transforming food waste into animal feeds: an in-depth overview of conversion technologies and environmental benefits.” Environmental Science and Pollutution Research.


Food waste is a global concern, with significant quantities of edible food being discarded every day. However, innovative conversion technologies have emerged to effectively transform this waste into valuable animal feed. This review paper provides a comprehensive examination of the conversion technologies used to transform food waste into animal feed, along with an analysis of the environmental benefits associated with these processes. The paper delves into various conversion methods such as anaerobic digestion, insect-based conversion, and microbial fermentation along with exploring their mechanisms and suitability for converting food waste into valuable animal feed resources. Additionally, the environmental benefits, including waste reduction, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and resource conservation, are discussed in detail. The review highlights the potential of these technologies to address the pressing issue of food waste while contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient food system. The findings of this review emphasize the importance of adopting and further developing these conversion technologies as a means to mitigate environmental impacts, promote circular economy principles, and enhance the overall sustainability of the food and agriculture sector.

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