Smart Circular Bridge for a circular built environment

Read the full story at Civil + Structural Engineer.

An old material is being rediscovered: flax has been with us for thousands of years in the form of clothing, sacks, and robust ship’s ropes. Now the plant fibres are experiencing a renaissance and could become the building material of the future. Combined with a special bio-resin, it can be made into a light and highly stable material with properties comparable to aluminum or steel. The EU project “Smart Circular Bridge” shows what is possible with this innovative new material: via the development of three bridges from this so-called bio-composite. A first one has now been built, and two more will follow.

In times of climate change and dwindling raw materials, bio-composites offer a great opportunity for the construction industry with its huge CO2 footprint and immense consumption of resources. They hold enormous potential for a bio-based circular economy, especially since flax, unlike wood for example, is a fast-growing plant.

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