K. I. N. D. N. E. S. S.

I looked from the side of my eye and saw an old, frail woman plunge into a huge culvert.

It was rush hour and had just alighted from a bus.

The time was about 5pm and had to rush to a destination over 2km away.

I needed to get there by 5:30pm

Muthurwa… the hustle and bustle in this part of the city was evident.

Nairobi (or Kanairo as it’s fondly known by the residents) was up and running.

Only this time the people traffic was against me.

Most of them were moving out of the city centre towards their residential areas.

I was rushing towards the city and beyond.

So back to the story of old, frail lady.

She seemed weak probably because she was coming from hospital.

Remember that I had seen her plunge from the side of my eye.

Instinct (or was it) informed me to move towards her upon noticing that she was struggling to lift herself out.

I spontaneously changed my direction and proceeded towards where she was.

The other people walked in a hurry past her (as is the case in any big city where every body minds their own business).

For a moment as I walked towards her, I wondered whether it was necessary to proceed towards her.

I nearly changed my mind but someone within me prompted me not to.

This happened within seconds.

So I kept on going… my folder in one hand while the other stretched out to lend her a helping hand out of the pit.

But just as I neared where she was, I noticed another man from the side of my eye (again the side eye…) approaching from the opposite direction with an outstretched hand as well.

We didn’t know each other,

We never even said a word to each other,

We had never met to plan,

We never knew the old lady.

Infact we were walking in opposite directions.

The lady wasn’t even calling for us but we had the same thing in mind either way…to help her out.

(There are people in need of you who don’t say it. All you need to do is notice their plight and give a hand).

So as the old lady stretched out her hands, our hands simultaneously held her in separate grip on both sides.

We heaved her up from her quagmire.

Soon after we placed the old lady on solid ground, we hit the ground running and vanished from each other’s world.

Swahili people say, ‘Tenda Wema. Nenda Zako’ (Do Good then go).

For a moment I thought…

I don’t know this fellow man nor this old lady.

Infact, we were in such as rush that we never even said a word to each other.

This episode was not planned for yet executed with striking coordination and empathy.

Surely God is in the picture.

He is in the picture of prompting us to do good to others especially strangers.


Because many of them cannot return the good we do to them.

So today, do an act of kindness…

Move out of your space randomly and touch that man, woman or child.

Provide food…

Give a kind word…

Smile where you can…

Give referrals to jobs and opportunities…

Mentor, guide and encourage…

Do your thing the best way you know how.

Build an army of kind-hearted people because…

An act of kindness on one person, prompts them to act kindly towards others.


Photo credit: Adobe Stock

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