Make it your ambition…

To live peacefully with all.

Yeah, right…

It may seem an impossibility but all you need is to do your best.

Remember that we all exist in this finite space called earth so the least we could do is to support, encourage and to be there for one another.

Yes, there may be those who mistreat you.

But make it your ambition not to treat them the way they treat you.

Be different.

You don’t know the battles they are fighting so always choose to be kind.

You may come across those in need.

Infact the need around you may be overwhelming

Choose to give because you never lose out on giving.

Give and give your finances, time, energy, skills etc.

When you give, you create room for more to be deposited inside of you.

Make it your ambition…

To be accountable to someone.

In a world filled with individualism, nothing stands out like a person who chooses to answer to another one.

You see, accountability is never an obligation but a choice.

A man chooses to be accountable to his wife,

A student chooses to be accountable to his teacher,

A boss chooses to be accountable to his workers.

A choice that yields results that make life easier and more enjoyable.

When we choose not to be accountable, we may enjoy a false sense of ‘freedom’.

We may walk the streets thinking that we are our own bosses yet unaware how far we’ve veered from the vision we hold so dear.

We may have a razor sharp focus.

But too many cares and burdens may corrupt our sight.

That’s why we need mentors, coaches, accountability partners to help us steer throuigh the straight and narrow.

Make it your ambition…

To self improve.

And I am not necessarily talking academics here.

Sit down and observe what’s around you.

What new skill, knowledge or insight can you get from where you are.

If you feel that you need to do a course be my guest.

There are numerous free online resources you could benefit from.

But beyond that, self improvement starts with an attitude that I need to sleep a better person than I woke up.

Values are the best place to start because they create a good basis for personal development.

Move out of your comfort zones and cultivate values.

Make a choice…

A value choice then choose to implement it.

If it’s honesty, sit down and decide that you will choose to be honest at ALL times.

Remember that it’s a choice among many others.

But a choice you have made concsiously well before hand so that when situtations arise, you’ll know what to do.

Probably you might want to improve on your skills or polish your talent.

Listen to that inner voice about what makes you tick.

Ask a family member or friend about what they think you are all about.

Build up from there.

If you are good with plaiting hair, think of building up on the skill…

If you are good with opening up computers and servicing them, think of developing that skill.

Always invest in knowledge in your area of interest.

Make it your ambition…

To improve the lives of others.

How do businesses start?

We may ask…

Well most of them start by solving problems around.

But it starts with a quest to improve peoples’ lives…

Intuitiveness tells us to sort out our problems first before helping others.

But it works best in the opposite direction.

If we feel immersed in problems, seek to solve other people’s problems and they’ll give you value in return.

That way, all of us grow.

You see, the best entrepreneurs are very good at leveraging resources around them.

They know they can’t be all things so they seek to assist others meet their need and in return build their businesses.

Make it your ambition to move out of your comfort zone.

Make it your ambition to conquer because that’s the reason God created you for…

To exercise dominion over the earth.

Photo credit: Adobe Stock

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