The mound of plastic waste kept growing by the day.

When the size reached a ‘climax’ of sorts, the ‘boys’ would light it up and see it go in flames.

These were all sorts of plastics:

From electric accessories to plastic utensils…

From furniture waste to waste packages…

From pharmaceutical products to cosmetics…

The list is endless.

But before burning, these ‘plastics’ don’t just remain dormant.

Their contents might be held up in their structure but still could suddenly be unleashed into the environment in many ways.

The mess plastic and related products bring to our lives is unimaginable.

Yes, they seem to lie dormant at our backyard dumps but they are far from docile.

But there is a greater concern.

And that is the danger such synthetic stuff poses to us is right inside our homes and at times without our knowledge.

Take for instance cosmetics used by our ladies which might contain traces of harmful substances called phthalates.

These substances are not only known to mess up with the reproductive system but if inhaled over the long haul (at significant doses) may lead to organ damage.

Usage of cosmetics and perfumes laced with phthalates at home may increase their levels in the air indoors.

But phthalates are not the only issue of concern when it comes to indoor air quality.

Exposure to harmful airborne pollutants at home might take place through the most mundane of products:

Carpets and fabrics…

Vinyl flooring…

Detergents and personal care products…

Electrical equipment…

Construction coatings…


Even though these products are useful, some of them are manufactured using substances which may compromise our health if exposed to them over the longhaul.

And this is the main point because these consumer products are found in our homes.

Exposure might be more of a concern because of indoor air pollution.

Why is indoor air pollution important?

Because we spend over 80% of our times inside buildings at any one time…

Whether in our homes or at our offices.


Perhaps the most practical way of tackling indoor air pollution is through good ventilation.

And I hope that this series of write ups about indoor air pollutants will nudge us to take indoor ventilation more seriously.

Photo credit: Adobe Stock

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