Southwood Prize 2023: Shortlist announced for early career researcher award

The Southwood Prize, awarded by Journal of Applied Ecology, is an annual award given to the best paper by an author at the start of their research career. The following 12 papers were shortlisted by our Senior Editors and span the 60th volume of the journal.

Andrea Radici with ‘Assessing fish–fishery dynamics from a spatially explicit metapopulation perspective reveals winners and losers in fisheries management’

Dominic McAfee with ‘Soundscape enrichment enhances recruitment and habitat building on new oyster reef restorations’

Elizabeth Tinsley with ‘Renewable energies and biodiversity: Impact of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic sites on bat activity’

Salomé Jaramillo-Gil with ‘Whale shark abundance forecast: The interannual hotspot effect’

Lucien Besnard with ‘Mercury isotope clocks predict coastal residency and migration timing of hammerhead sharks’

Aimée McIntosh with ‘Modelling harvest of Greenland barnacle geese and its implications in mitigating human–wildlife conflict’

Samuel Fischer with ‘Boosting propagule transport models with individual-specific data from mobile apps’

Hugo Sentenac with ‘Accounting for bias in prevalence estimation: The case of a globally emerging pathogen’

Natashi Pilon with ‘Challenges and directions for open ecosystems biodiversity restoration: An overview of the techniques applied for Cerrado’

Ivan Raniero Hernández-Salmerón with ‘Native palms and trees mediate drought impacts on dry neotropical pastures’

Oliver Wilson with ‘Assessing the exposure of UK habitats to 20th- and 21st-century climate change, and its representation in ecological monitoring schemes’

Nicholas McMillan with ‘A plea for scale, and why it matters for invasive species management, biodiversity and conservation’

We’ll be announcing the overall winner soon, so stay tuned for more! You can find out about previous winner’s here.

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