Webinar: Trash to Treasure: A “Dual Impact” Approach to Food Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention

Mar 20, 2024, 10 am CST
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Approximately 25% (66 million tons) of the U.S. municipal waste stream is food. According to the EPA, this food waste and the annual energy used in producing, processing, preparing, distributing, and disposing of it contributes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions equivalent to 60 coal-fired power plants per year. This webinar will highlight an emerging national strategy around food waste reduction and reuse with a focus on food processing and manufacturing. It will also cover important regulatory, energy, and economic factors for manufacturers to consider in evaluating opportunities for upcycling byproduct or donating unused food to local food banks to help address the needs of underserved communities. A case study will be presented to illustrate these considerations. The webinar will conclude with a presentation of tools and resources that are available to help inform decision making, including technical assistance opportunities.

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